In the heart of the desert, where the sun paints the landscape with hues of warmth and resilience, every plant is a testament to nature's ingenious adaptation. In the arid embrace of the sands, botanical wonders thrive against all odds, whispering tales of tenacity and beauty. The desert, a living testament to the poetry of survival, unfolds its secrets to those who pause to listen, revealing that even in the harshest environments, life finds a way to bloom.
Desert Biodiversity Field Study

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This course takes place in the spring and autumn in the Mojave Desert and Colorado Desert. Apprentices will meet and learn about desert biodiversity and the importance of supporting diversity and cultivating native flora.
Basic Botanical Terms
Plant Identification Through Keys using The Jepson Desert Manual.
Plant Identification using morphological field characteristics.
Identifying Ecosystems and plant associations.
Plant Family Identification: We will cover the major plant families of the Mojave and Colorado Desert. This is a very useful plant identifying skill.
Ethnobotanical and modern uses of flora. There is no wild harvesting of the plants in this program. We focus on stewardship and introducing native flora into our landscape.
Classes are small with up to six apprentices.
Spring session takes place in March and April consiting of eight. field trips.
There is commuting to site locations for field study where we will spend anywhere from 4 to six hours in the field.
You must be willing to spend time outdoors, dress appropriately for the elements, be prepared for change in weather, purchase the study material needed to participate in the program. Each class builds on each class therefor attendance is mandatory for completion of this program.
Due to pandemic this program is limited in size. We observe COVID guidelines and recommendations.
For more information and an application to the field study program email everyleafspeaks.cs@gmail.com