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DESERT FLORA PLANT HIKE for the AMAZON - Plant Walk with 100% proceeds donated to the Rainforest Trust



Location is TBD

Plant Hike with 100% of the donations going to the Rainforest Trust, helping in protecting the Amazonian Rain Forest, Indigenous Peoples, Flora & Fauna. Come join me in this plant walk and learn about the flora of the Mojave Desert in the Morongo Basin.

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DESERT FLORA PLANT HIKE for the AMAZON - Plant Walk with 100% proceeds donated to the Rainforest Trust
DESERT FLORA PLANT HIKE for the AMAZON - Plant Walk with 100% proceeds donated to the Rainforest Trust


2019年9月29日 11:00 – 13:15

Location is TBD


Join me in the first of the Desert Flora Plant Hikes of the season and meet the Native Flora of the Mojave Desert. In this plant hike we will meet the medicinal and edible wild foods, while being mindful that we share these ecosytems with the critters and plant our own Native Medicinal and Wild Food Gardens.  The FIRST 5 to register will receive a plant based gift made by me, my Mojave Salve made with Creosote Bush Larrea tridentata

100% of ticket sales will be donated to the Rainforest Trust,  Saving Indigenous Lands in the Amazon. Please read below for more information. 

Commencing the plant hike we will begin with a Plant Tea Journey, exploring the physical energetics and taste of a Native Medicinal Plant, one that folks will meet on the Plant Hike.  I will also bring other things to taste that I have made using flora of the Mojave, from glycerites, tinctures and oxymels folks will get to meet the flora on a whole other level, 

WHEN: September 29, 2019

TIME: 11AM - 1:15PM

WHERE: Location will be emailed upon registration

THE FIRST 5 to register will receive a gift of my Mojave Salve made with Creosote Bush, Larrea tridentata 


  • Come dressed prepared for the weather, be prepared for wind, sun or rain. 
  • Closed toed comfortable shoes, hiking shoes are best
  • Cup for the Plant Tea Journey
  • At least 32 ounces of water
  • Paper and pen if you wish to take notes

LOCATION will be emailed upon registration so please leave a email so we can email you the information. Plant Hike will start promptly at 11:00AM, I will be at the location at 10:45AM prepping for the day. 

This will be one of the first of the two events that I will be hosting after returning from studying botany in the Pacific Northwest, I am moved by the recent increasing man made fires that are devastating the Amazonian Forest, claiming homes of Indigenous People, flora and fauna Many are saying "EARTHS LUNGS ARE ON FIRE" and this is essentially true, the Amazon Rainforest is  the largest rain forest on our planet and the Amazon region plays a crucial role in absorbing carbon dioxide emissions and stabilizing temperatures, so as the Amazon forests burn, global warming worsens thus the impact of Amazon deforestation for logging, cattle ranching, agriculture continues will result in loosing the Amazon and LOOSING a defense against climate change.  

Unfortunately, hundreds of indigenous communities have no recognized ownership rights and their lands are under tremendous pressure from logging, agro-industries and colonists. Without the titles to their territories, native communities have no legal instrument to defend these lands from activities like logging and agricultural expansion. For every dollar generated from this plant hike and donated to Rainforest Trust, the Rainforest Trust, SAVES CHALLENGE program will match every dollar for dollar. So your $20 ticket for the plant hike will be matched by the Rainforest Trust and the $20 now becomes $40.

The Rainforest Trust adds on layers of protection on the purchased land known as the Reserve Protection which protects the land and the rights of the Indigenous People. 

I am donating every dollar from ticket sales to the 

If you are wondering what you can do from your neck of the woods to help, well if you can not participate in the PLANT HIKE, please consider in ACTING in other ways. 

How can you help?

Here are some ways you can aid in protecting the rainforest:

Donate to Rainforest Action Network to protect an acre of the Amazonian rainforest.

  • Donate to the Rainforest Trust to help buy land in the rainforest. Since 1988, the organization has saved over 23 million acres. 
  • Reduce your paper and wood consumption. Double-check with Rainforest Alliance that what you're buying is considered rainforest-safe. You can also purchase rainforest-safe products from the alliance's site. 
  • Reduce your beef intake. Beef found in processed products and fast-food burgers is often linked to deforestation.
  • The World Wide Fund for Nature (known as the World Wildlife Fund in the US and Canada) works to protect the  species in the Amazon and around the world. 
  • is a search engine that plants a tree for every 45 searches you run.
  •   Explore petitions. A lawyer in Rio Branco has accumulated over 3 million signatures to mobilize an investigation into the Amazonian fires. 
  • Donate to Amazon Watch, an organization that protects the rainforest, defends Indigenous rights and works to address climate change.
  •  Donate to the Amazon Conservation Team, which works to fight climate change, protect the Amazon and empower Indigenous peoples. 
  • Amazon Conservation accepts donations and lists exactly what your money goes toward. You can help plant trees, sponsor education, protect habitats, buy a solar panel, preserve Indigenous lands and more.
  • Contact your elected officials and make your voice heard
  • Donate to One Tree Planted, which works to stop deforestation around the world and in the Amazon Rainforest. One Tree Planted will keep you updated on the Peru Project and the impact your trees are having on the community.
  •  Sign Greenpeace's petition telling the Brazilian government to save the Amazon rainforest and protect the lands of indigenous and traditional communities. 

ALL TICKET SALES ARE FINAL. There are no refunds or trading out for future events. 



    Please review the needed items on the event page. As well as print out or show your digital ticket. Please arrive before we start. The event will start promptly at 11:00am. I will email location upon registration.





 The Team

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