Our friends, Friends of Arizona Joshua Tree Forest have been working tirelessly to protect the Eastern Joshua Tree, 𝘠𝘢𝘀𝘀𝘒 𝘫𝘒𝘦𝘨𝘦𝘳π˜ͺ𝘒𝘯𝘒 and Joshua Tree woodland in Meadview Arizona. Their goal has been to achieve a National Monumnemt designation of public land (BLM) while they press on to get the Eastern Joshua Tree listed as a endangered species under the Arizona Endangered Species Act.

Please take a moment to sign the petition in support of the designation of this pristine Joshua Tree woodland as a National Monument. We do not have to be residents of Meadview or Arizona to be in solidarity in their efforts to protect this iconic representative of the Mojave Desert in Arizona.

My friend Casey and I drove out to Meadview Arizona to meet the founders of FAJTF to interview them and get a tour of the area they have been working at protecting and educating visitors. They will be featured int the upcoming documentary on the fight to protect and plight of the Joshua Tree, the film is called I Thought They Were Protected and will be out in 2022. Watch the trailer below.

Please share this post to your social media and ask others to help the Friends of Arizona Joshua Tree Forest in their efforts to protect this habitat.