Desert Fire Cider

I’m sure you’ve heard of Fire Cider, if you haven’t it is an immune boosting - stimulating tonic that is typically taken to wave off the cold/flu, strengthening the immune system and can also help during allergy season. 

Made popular by Herbalist Rosemary Gladstar nearly 30 years ago. She’s taught folks all over how to make this spicy remedy which is now being taught to others and made by folks who are not Herbalist. This is not some kept secret. Teaching others how to empower ourselves trough herbal remedies and staying healthy. Now many have not heard and are purchasing a Fire Cider sold in many health food stores or online of a company called Shire City Herbal who have trademarked “FIRE CIDER” and have sent cease to desist letters to four Herbalist who are making and seeking fire cider. Creator, Rosemary Gladstar is standing in solidarity with these Herbalist who are going toe to toe with Shire City Herbals. Shire City Herbals is trying to say that they created this recipe, honestly some of them are NOT OLD ENOUGH as the recipe is and not Herbalist. It’s sad that the greed of this company is going after a folk remedy made internationally  many taught by Rosemary Gladstar herself and has been taught to others by others. Let’s keep the tradition of Fire Cider growing and share this with others. Read more about this on and BOYCOTT Shire City Herbals


Earlier this month I taught a Desert Fire Cider hands on workshop at Cactus Mart in Morongo Valley. Read a re-cap on the class written by the folks at Cactus Mart We had a good turn out. The class was SOLD OUT and folks were writing me about adding on. Unfortunately space was limited so I couldn’t add others on, which has me looking for a new space to host a class and planning another Fire Cider making workshop using medicinal plants from the Mojave Desert.  

Now that we are coming into spring soon and this is a time that many get sick with allergies, I am looking at formulating and working with other plants that will help not only boost the immune system but also help with the allergy seaso using medicinal plants native to the Mojave Desert. Keep posted as I will announce it on my Facebook & Instagram  page.

I am experimenting with different plants like Creosote Bush, Mormon Tea, Yerba Santa, Brittlebush adding to this batch to help for allergies along with others medicnal native plants to the Mojave Desert which strengthen the immune system and help during cold and flu times. Adding these ethically wildcrafted plants to the traditional recipie of Fire Cider hence I coined this Desert Fire Cider.

Waiting for this batch to decant! I also like using the spent Marc (plant material) and squeezing as much of the liquid out of the herbs and plants then dehydrating in an oven @ 225* for a couple of hours. Checking every 30 or so minutes moving the plant material around so it dries evenly and then blending it all up in a blender or food processor. You can use this as seasoning or powder up and add with some honey or make an electuary with it! 

Happy Medicine Making - stay posted as my friends and I are working on a location that can accommodate more folks and a new flier!   

Some of the photos credit to Martha Weir & Lisa of Cactus Mart. 

#firecider #cactusmart #DesertFirecider #everyleafspeaks #Desertmedicine #joshuatree #Morongovalley #Mojavedesert #creosotebush #Mormontea #piñonpine #Brittlebush #sagebrush #YerbaSanta #freefirecider #Rosemarygladstar #plantmedicine #herbalism